Friday, March 20, 2009

When an Apology isn't Good Enough?

Let's just say all the theories and conspiracies are true. Let's say we find out without a shadow of a doubt all individuals involved in major crimes against their own countrymen. At that very moment what do you do? What do you say? What is the proper way of handling these situations? How do you wrong atrocities? Is it our place or God's? Will God use us as tools to right these wrongs or is this really the times of Revelations where he is destined to come down here himself and end it all?

History has shown us that wars of revolution had taken place in times of corruption to overthrow established systems. Just the same way history has shown us times of peaceful change through the spread of love for freedom and humanity. There is obviously always the yin to the yang, leaving no set in stone one way of handling these types of dilemmas. My question is when they show you the truth and everyone fails to or chooses not to see it, leaving those in the know in the minority, how do we even properly address these issues?

That is the very question, whose answer seems to elude us the most. If it is almost impossible to open the dialogue on these issues on at least a national level as concerned citizens how will we ever find the truth? It's almost as if it's taboo to even speak of these so-called conspiracy theories being real. Does having a one-sided, narrow minded view mean you are informed or is it simply accepting information being given as simply true?

We have two sides to every story and some where in the middle generally lies the truth. On one hand we have die hard right wingers who believe every official story and statement to come out of Washington or mainstream media and reject everything else. On another we have a liberal faction who allow their concerns to be swept under the rug time and time again, simply written off as crazy conspiracy theorists. Within even both of these sides there is a divide.

On the right you have those who really don't believe factions embedded in our government are smart enough to carry out such plots. The right is also more inclined to label you unpatriotic for remotely even questioning their personal favorites political stances and by far are the more narrow minded of the two. On the left you have those who are not so much concerned with these issues and write them off saying wild things like, their gonna do what they want to anyway. Now with 4 factions equally divided amongst 2 sides how do you as a people successfully address any topic of discussion? How do you do it when factions of the same side don't agree long enough to achieve a proper census? How do you do it when the 2 different sides have such a low level respect for eachother's viewpoints dismissing each other before anyone speaks?

What implications does this pose to our future? What types of hardship would be posed on our children for failing to address these issues effectively? How long will we as United States citizens allow forums on these issues to be deemed unpatriotic? How long will we as United States citizens allow a lack of communication to shade the truth? When will any of us accept a responsibility greater than ourselves? My last question of the day is will we ever and if we do at that point what do we do?

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