Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is simplifying the tax code enough?

Today President Barack Obama has made several statements in relation to simplifying our tax code. These comments came in light of today's file or else tax deadline. My question today is; is it enough to appease the American people? With various so-called tea parties running rampant across the nation. Will simplifying the tax code be enough to douse the flame?

Obama said at a White House event Wednesday that he's working toward "a simpler tax code that rewards work and the pursuit of the American dream." He went on to say, "For too long, we've seen taxes used as a wedge to scare people into supporting policies that increased the burden on working people instead of helping them live their dreams," Obama said. "That has to change, and that's the work that we've begun."

The president noted that he's asked his economic advisers to thoroughly review how to simplify the tax code and report back to him by year's end. By years end are you crazy? That's right before the next tax season, leaving him & us little time to thoroughly review such complicated measures.

The president incidently admits this later stating, "We need to simplify a monstrous tax code that is far too complicated for most Americans to understand, but just complicated enough for the insiders who know how to game the system,"

He added: "It will take time to undo the damage of years of carve-outs and loopholes. But I want every American to know that we will rewrite the tax code so that it puts your interests over any special interest. And we will make it quicker, easier, and less expensive for you to file a return, so that April 15 is not a date that is approached with dread each year."

I got a fair tax for you President Obama. Impose a fair tax on international trade and domestically purchased goods. A universal federal/state tax that does not vary from state to state. One flat rate clean across the board. That way there would be no such thing as tax evasion. That along with this fake war on drugs are merely additional methods of incarcerating your own fellow citizens. The ultimate slap in the face is that we are not suppose to be taxed on our income anyway! My last question is: Is it fair that ultimate slap will continue?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What's wrong with these "Tea Parties"

Protesters are popping up all over the country, converging on Capitol Hill in protest of Tax Day which marks the deadline of this years tax filing season. People have made signs aligning their movement to the Boston Tea Party of 1773. Going as far as to wear colonial revolutionary costumes. I mean people of all ages from kids to seniors are participating. A lot of the funding for these rallies are being funded by right-wing organizations. So Independents and Democrats alike are have been chanting it is a right wing conspiracy to thwart President Obama and Congresses agenda.

While in many ways that may be true, to an extent. There actually are a lot of people who are not satisfied with the bailouts and the way our money has been spent in the stimulus for that matter, regardless of who was at fault for those companies demise. The Obama administration has to realize that although this may be a crisis handed to him. There is a level of responsibility for the actions taken to correct it and that responsibility Mr. President ends with you. You signed off on the bailouts and played the pawn of a banking industry that was holding you hostage. From what has happened to others on power who have dissented, I can completely understand.

However to be frank at some point you have to grow some balls. Regardless of what anyone says you knew this job was dangerous when you took it. I bet you never thought it would be the international banking system do be the actual dangers you would have to worry about. Or did you? International bankers lobbied Presidential candidate Woodrow Wilson before the election of 1912 with their support in exchange for him to sign the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Who's to say Obama was not approached in a similar manner to win the presidency.

Obama had defended his actions of placing the money into the banks hands versus directly in the hands of the consumer, mentioning that for every $1 given the to the banks it will open up $8 in credit for the consumer. Versus the dollar for dollar scenario of placing that money in citizens hands. That might work if you had the authority to make them lend it and you don't and you knew you didn't. It would've symbolically meant so much to the American people too. For example I have a friend that just bought a fairly new Mercedes Benz much nicer that his old 94' Lincoln Town Car. When this car speaks of which one he would choose in the event of financial hardship he would prerer to keep the lincoln. Not because of the potential resale value of the Mercedes being greater but because the Lincoln may be less in dollar value but higher in sentimental value and you missed out on a rare opportunity to establish that type of value Mr. President.

In the end the responsibility soley lies in his as well as congresses hands. Not just Democrats who are in power right now but the Republicans that fostered this situation as well. Don't be disillusioned with Republican Tea Party promoters who act all of a sudden so disgusted with these policies. These are the very people that fought for the deregulation that led to this madness. Just as well do not be disillusioned by the Democrats saying they understand that and they are going to clean it up, because they are not. They are going to add to it. However it may not be because they want to.

The financial sector according to President Franklin D. Roosevelt has owned the goverment since the days of Andrew Jackson. Imagine the young budding politician, full of hope and life. Imagine them in their passion to change the system and winning an election. All to find out that if you don't give into bankers and the extremely wealthy's hand, they can cause economic hardship so tough in your district, it will cause chaos and anarchy in the streets. Imagine them threatening every industry or select industries to out right destroy altogether, leaving the make a change young politician to clean up the mess. If that is an extremely cold scenario to you then buckle your seat belts and do something about it because that is what's going on right now.

As we speak there is rising dissent in intentionally created scenarios to tear us apart. We as citizens can not let that happen. We must inform ourselves of the hidden education recquired to stand behind our President. Let him know we understand who the real perpetraters are and we will not let them influence us through their market manipulations. We will fight with you and protect you from those that have infiltrated our CIA, Secret Service, FBI and any other entity agents of their ideaology are embedded.

If you are one of the people that wonder why nothing ever changes and consistently get's worse is because none of you all have been equiping yourselves to understand who the enemy is. When people who are in the know attempt to inform you or society writes them off as crazy or uninformed, leaving them to stand on the frontline by themselves as easy prey. In some cases classified information has been released by the CIA or FBI admiting to all sorts of crimes against United States citizens. Since these issues seemed to not have affected the purchase of that new car, vacation or wardrobe it all went in one ear and out the other. That is until it did affect the home owner, stock holder, car buyer you name it. Now all these hands are in a fuss.

Right now the protesters at these tea parties largely seem misguided. Throwing out politically judgemental labels such as Socialist, Faschist, Communist. You name it and the Obama Administration has been attacked for it recently. My message to the protesters is that we all feel the same plight you do. But don't be used as puppets by factions you don't even understand. Do your research, educate yourselves and learn who the real culprits are and how to fight them. Arm yourselves with knowledge and give all of us leverage by utilize your power as a consumer. Boycott these banking systems.

Don't stop spending money you earn, but pay in cash. Don't use credit and request our government return our money back to the gold standard. Don't place yourselves in a box by disagreeing with one side of congress versus another. Understand they are birds of a feather. Let them and our congress know that no matter how hard the times these bankers want to impose on us that we will stand with them and fight. That we will not go crazy and kill eachother in the streets. That we are strong enough to handle the truth of the information. We will end our dependence on the banking system as a whole and no longer allow our global policy to be held hostage again. That's the fight we should be hearing not moronic name-calling that changes no policy and simply shows how ignorant you are, taking away the legitimacy of the argument.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Boycott the Banks! End Credit Slavery!

From my understanding with the intricate breakdown of how the banks essentially paid themselves in receiving bailout funds, there are a few still left in the wind in  terms of information overload as to how it all broke down. So here is a simplified version of what happened and is happening right now.

Major national banks such as Bank of America or Wells Fargo are all stock holders by law of the Federal Reserve Banks and under their regulation. These same banks that were giving multi-million dollar bonuses to their corporate elite, were also loosely regulated in corporate performance based payout structure by obligations to "stockholders."  These are the same banks that lobbied Congress to use tax-payer money to finance the same type back door broker deals they could have done amongst & for themselves to remain financially solvent. Bear in mind it's virtually impossible for banks to misallocate the funds available to them when they are only allowed to keep a certain amount on hand anyway, by way of Federal Reserve regulation. Unless the Fed actually were the ones who instigated and sanctioned it.

Major banks have access to "short term loans" to cover any temporary insufficiencies through the Federal Reserve. Virtually all lenders have in place some type of credit lending insurance that will either fully or partially reimburse lenders on loans defaulted by their clients. The last resort would be to lobby Congress for tax-payer money right? You all know the cut-throat ways of business, the sink or swim mentality. It's a financial food chain either you grow to become viable enough for some larger entity to acquire you or you start off puny, scrawny and never get a chance at life. The strong survive and the weak are prey.

With all that said wherein the motto of most cases we would generally stand back and watch the former giants crumble to usher in a new era of titan. Alternatively we have also witnessed old giants stay strong, achieve steady growth and swallow young budding titans whole. Either way we would watch as some major corporations fell and some merged in buyouts. The large swallow the small. Through all that we have witnessed, we have never witnessed these entities seeking US the average citizen to pay for their mergers, buyouts, bonuses and greed! The question is not why did it happen, it's why did WE let it happen?

They received the money from the bailout and several of these entities merged any way! Bank of America acquiring Merrill Lynch or CountryWide for example. So what was the difference? Sure it was put in a nice sale package for you....Oh it's to open credit lines back up, avoid market crashes, save jobs and anything else they can throw at you to play on your fear. Your 401k's & IRA's are dropping, funds may be lost above $250,000, toxic assets, I mean the list goes on and on. So back to the question, forget the sales pitch. Think about the difference. What was the difference in them facilitating deals on their own within the ever broad international financial sector versus asking you and me to foot the bill?

Ah hah, ah hah....just asking that sentence to yourself out loud will answer it for you. Reminding of a line I would offer a very inquisitive soul. "Your answer is always in your question."

The answer is actually the biggest slap in the face. They are going to merge, kill the competition, liquidate major assets, acquire larger ones, using OUR hard earned money to do it! They are having me and you pay for them to purchase mass real estate and corporations for pennies on the dollar by way of "self-generated market manipulation."

They over extend credit with fluctuating interest rates, that rise and fall at their request. This one action can affect so many areas of your life from housing bubbles, to purchasing autos or repossession thereof, to stocks, price inflation, increased bankruptcies, liens & foreclosures. You name it and their innocent sounding credit is last to receive the blame.

Once all property value decreases across the board, they can literally grab land in quantity for less than a fourth then they would've paid otherwise! At the same time clamping on credit, denying credit and lowering credit lines for others. Making even concerted efforts to pool money a task easier said than done the average person. As consumer spending falls and confidence in the economy waiver stocks take a plunge, devaluing corporations making them easy to acquire of easy to get rid of. As debt grows inflation is inevitable to cure deficits. Paying homage to the saying, "Everything seems to go up but my pay." Forcing mass bankruptcies and liquidation of assets to once again be handed to the banks!

Every situation is a win, win for them even in the past where it seemed it was an occasional win for us. The primary power you all have RIGHT NOW is to realize the stranglehold they have on society and stop helping them in their advancement.

They have taken YOUR money. Money that you indirectly owe them interest on anyway. Used your money to amass more wealth. Used your money to pay for the debt incurred by these purchases. And will receive a 6% annual return on all the profits made by the banking system through the Federal Reserve. A 6% return on the profit that drove America deeper into debt. That's crazy! Me & U would never see a 6% return on money WE squander. When are we going to stand up and say enough is enough?

Literally these banks got paid 4 times over. Once through their initial squander. Second by the bailouts. Third by the investments & acquisitions made and Fourth by the automatic 6% return from the FED. With all of them being member banks of the FED that meant HUGE profit margins for the FED, all on the backs of the people like YOU & ME!

Go right now and RIP UP all of your credit cards, not until you have maxed them all to their limit. They shouldn't have been dumb enough to give away money anyway. Charge them to the max and don't pay them one filthy red cent. If you have a car with a car note that you love I suggest you keep it. However for those of us that love our car and hate our excessive car notes, stop paying immediately on those and keep your car. Same thing with houses and property, in protest stop paying on your mortgages now. Good luck in them having the resources to repossess every car in the nation, every home. Good luck in them suing every consumer that stiffed them on the whole. We owe it to them, the way they owe it to us.

If you can't join in protest with your home or auto then join in the maxing and cutting off your credit cards. Spread the word to do away with any credit cards and as many relations to banks that we have. Banks are not a necessary part of life. If you all recall the initial idea of banks was that it was safer to keep your money in the bank then under your bed. I don't know about you all but I'm gonna give it a shot under my bed. It can't be any worse.