Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our previous generation let us down!

There was a struggle that people seemed to forget about. I don't know why but nonetheless it seems as if they have. There is a struggle for freedom that never seemed to come into fruition. Struggle that seemed to fizzle out half way through the fuse. People were struggling for equality, struggling for injustice and all of a sudden found a brick wall they always knew was there and for some reason ran against it not expecting it to hit back or understanding which angle its blows are coming from.

It really disappoints me that people act as if everything is okay, especially now since we have a black president. If anything in my neck of the woods the harassment has stepped up since Obama has taken office. In the inner-community it's nothing new we have been undergoing this type of degradation for centuries. The difference is now that the structure of the black household has disintegrated and not only that of that the black household but the overall structure of the dream America saw for itself in it's horizon.

So many have died for our cause. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Jewish, African, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islanders the cause is the same: FREEDOM

The call is universal through all breeds, ghettos, suburbs, and social unions. The main fear and the only thing keeping us free in the incalculable ways we may react to situations at a given time against the variable. Essentially there are equations that have been broken down through collected data during the industrial and technological ages that has been accumulated to categorized situational outcomes, resulting in economic manipulation and collapse in some cases.

In terms of our previous generation letting us down they forgot the fight must go on. Drugs, poverty, famine, sickness, and violence has plagued our community since the CIA has planted guns and drugs in our communities. Not necessarily all of our communities but more so the impoverished inner-city communities where the rise of any type movement may seem like a threat to the established political environment. In knowing this people seem to shy away from addressing a multitude of problems ranging from a double-sided drug war to internal self-destructive propaganda and false opposition.

For generations our mothers and fathers have been telling us to go to school, graduate with good grades so you can go to a good college and when you get there get good grades so you can graduate and get a good job. One I don't know what made them think job opportunities would be infinite. Or for that matter expansion and growth would be so great. However they failed us when they disillusioned us into a false sense of security in addition to not picking up the torch so many before us had passed on indirectly by which means God directed.

This country was founded on entrepreneurial ism and small business frustrated with the factions of Imperialism infested in the lands they immigrated from to establish their own hierarchy free of the discrimination's of their former lands. A once in a lifetime opportunity to establish a republic free of all the nightmares created previously.

Somewhere along the way the message was distorted from creating your own niche and following your God given talent to attempting to find any job you can in a rat race competing against people willing to work for well below the average the occupation you were accustomed to generally pays and without benefits. How do you compete with that?

Our previous generation let us down in the sense that in the time period they were getting high and loving life they were not properly forecasting the future that lay ahead of us. Leaving us in a state of disarray, confused and feeling like we are constantly fighting an uphill battle. As previous generations have come and went respectively they also have carried a battle that in the early 70's seemed to disintegrate in the midst of drugs and violence, chaos and misunderstanding. All of this seemingly as a result of a tumultuous 60's intertwined with corruption, revolution, war, greed, assassinations, and agendas. John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Robert F. Kennedy, defamation of the Black Panther Party including the Bobby Hutton assassination 2 days before the Martin Luther King assassination, fall of the Nation of Islam, along with the discrediting of countless others.

The mindset from the start for our children should be to go to school get good grades, graduate and find your passion and passionately work toward that. When you work toward your passion at that point it's just a matter of using that passion to generate income to sustain yourself and your livelihood. The fact that not only do we depend on corporations to offer us jobs now, but the fact that credit has stifled, virtually making the dollar irrelevant and lending crippled brings us back to the unstable reality of engineering new streams of revenue.

During the 60's it seems like everybody fought for everything, even the peaceful fought for a cause. Nowadays you will be lucky to find anyone capable of holding a 5 minute conversation let alone an intelligent thought. No disrespect to those that think, however those that think may feel the same sentiments. It seems as if those that think make the public uncomfortable initiating thought outside of their personal dilemma at any given time. It may effect me in the future but it's not right now and may not syndrome. As a result our previous generation has fallen victim of an oppressive legislature, failing to inform us of its everlasting conundrums.

This is a time if any that we all need to become more independent and find our own trade of value that may be traded versus exclusively compensated for. History has shown us time and time again the value of paper not backed by any natural asset proves worthless, eventually bankrupting in the end. Our dollar has not been backed by gold or silver since the 1933 with inflation of population maintaining almost a steady 3% annual growth since, all generating revenue toward a worthless piece of paper that in the end will leave us all homeless. Let's say we didn't forget our entrepreneurial spirit and relied solely on massing our own sources of income and well being. What would be the result?

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