Thursday, March 19, 2009

What happened to unconditional love?

I've been in a recent situation that has really made me want to ask the question where has the love gone? We seem so in compassionate as a society towards strangers, neighbors and family members alike. Expressing such callous views toward the impoverished majority in favor of the well off minority. Almost in hopes of gaining favor in accordance with the rich's wishes. We will right off our own mother nowadays if the government will hold her against us. What is going on people? Wake up, take your rights back, establish a platform, strive for greater. I just don't understand.

People have been complaining about the problems for years. Pointing out the symptoms, failing to provide a cure. In the meantime our citizens whether directly related or not fall victim to a regurgitating system of reciprocal enslavement. Our loved ones sit by the wayside and allow for a lack of justice writing you off before the judge or a jury can remotely get a chance. In the times that we need our loved ones the most they almost always seemingly fall by the wayside. Once again I ask what has ever happened to unconditional love?

We struggle to maintain against so much daily stress. We need as many people as possible on our side. However it seems as if when our loved ones get under our skin now it is so easy to write them off, when in fact those will be the only ones there for us in times of our own turmoil. Even in the event they are not, in which in most cases they do not owe you anyway, the whole idea is to stand our own two! Help our family in the time of need. Naturally you can not help anyone until you help yourself. So make sure you do not over extend yourself in your good deeds, yet create good deeds daily with the love you provide your associates and family.

Not only will your life seem clearer, it will also seem happier. Many of the relationships we right off are not worth the long term headache. Granted if these are people we don't ever have to deal with again it is a totally different story. But when it comes to dealing with lived ones and touching situations which are rare and obtrusive to that individual's growth it is incumbent upon us to deliver that support that person needs to overcome that hurdle. Especially in cases of public judgment, family and friends are so quick to write you off in prayers of keeping their hands clean they often overlook the circumstances of the incident. They provide themselves with excuses on why they shouldn't support you versus finding reasons they should.

Naturally if someone is a habitual offender then obviously they made their choice. But when it comes down to loved ones you have had a small quarrel with, is it really worth it to exercise the dramatics? Life is too short to not honor those you love and will also fall into the judgment we will all have to answer for in the end. It's hard to feel you have put a dent into any charitable causes unless they extend outside your family, so stay strong and never stop showing that unconditional love that so many may not deserve, yet may need in our struggles to associate with an ever evolving society. Have faith in your people even when they don't have faith in themselves. They may not turn into who you want them to when you want but they will definitely stand a better chance with you than the court system.

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