Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Protest the Banks!

All international banks involved in the bail out and some that were not part all played a part one way or another in the global catastrophe we face, if that makes any sense. Bankers have long since been financiers of anything major in the world. Not only in the private sector but the Federal as well. They can influence the outcome of wars simply by funding one side greater than another or recalling the loans on one versus another. Bankers do indeed finance wars, terrorism, state name it they fund it. But at what price though?

The price we pay is automatic manipulation of the circumstance. Automatic manipulation and control of policy. This is a remarkable feat. Bankers decide who wins wars, who loses and why.
Not only physical combative wars but economical wars as well. Right now we are all apart of an economic war of the classes. The uninformed rich people of America feel they are on the same side of the struggle these bankers and capitalists fall on. Not fully understanding that they are apart of the global grab for power and may also fall victim to the largest robbery to ever take place in the history of the world.

In previous articles I had written about similar robberies of the Great Depression era and how it related to us now. This article is part of that continuing effort to have people see the instances of manipulation as they happen.

A couple of days ago the Wall Street Journal reported that big banks resist the call to help Chrysler who has recently been seeking a bailout to help them avoid bankruptcy. JP Morgan/Chase had merged not too long ago. In 2007 Chrysler a privately held company had borrowed a large sum of money secured by the assets of the company. The Government has asked bond holders to write down the debt to 33 cents on every dollar owed. Although this bank has just received a bail out of its own to prevent systemic failure and spare us little guys some pain. They also have credit default swaps in place, which is insurance on the loss of what would be recouped in Chrysler's liquidation. Basically saying that in the event the secured assets do not amount to what is owed, this money will be covered by this credit default swap.

The sad part about what is going on right now is the fact that the American auto industry is on the verge of collapse and the same banks that have essentially already laced their pockets in Federal bailout money now are monetarily holding Chrysler hostage in financial black mail. Obviously if receiving a bailout to begin with these banks need money as their bad investments nearly squandered peoples entire life savings. Hence the bailout, so why don't they take the bailout take the pennies on the dollar and help an auto giant avoid bankruptcy. Simple business reason actually if they can force Chrysler into Bankruptcy, Chrysler would have to sell the assets to cover 100% of the debt owed or in worst case scenario recover a large portion and the rest in the credit default swap.

However they can still recover the credit default swap even if they took pennies on the dollar from Chrysler. It has been rumored that AIG is the actual insurance company that is covering the credit default swap and had received their own bail out as of recently. They have no patriotic loyalty to the U.S. or the U.S. automaker and would rather see them fall at the most inopportune time. So let's return the favor. Now we don't owe Chrysley anything as they had made inferior products for so long. However there is an overwhelming 300,000 jobs that will be lost as result.

Let's loose the grips the international bankers have on all of our policy and financial situations.
They have long been able to manipulate our economy keeping us in a state of slavery. Let's reverse the tide and give ourselves the leverage we need to create economic sustainability for ourselves and manipulate their economic situation in return to bring them down to our level an manifest a more even playing field. My question to you all is if we don't who will?

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