Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What happens if the nation bankrupts and who is responsible?

With any remote threat of a U.S. bankruptcy there will instant martial law. There will be a new form of government established continuing to run through the remaining reserve and it's own form of a bail out received from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). For those that thought we live in a police state now, you all have not seen nothing yet. For those aware of the Illuminati their primary power lies in the confusion and lack of attention the world places in their actions until it is too late. According to insiders who later rejected the secret society have stated that when the New World Order announces itself it's too late. That at that point it is too late. Too late to struggle, too late to protest, too late to fight. Well folks I urge you to listen, watch or get a transcript of George H. W. Bush's 1991 State of the Union Address which so coincidentally was September, 11 1991. An exact 10 years prior to the day of the September 11th attacks the first President Bush announced the New World Order.

Once again we have been so busy in our lives that we don't place these two situations together. When you mention these two in the same sentence people seem to dismiss the fact that there is any such thing as a real New World Order. Whether you choose to see it or not we are all in a regulated state. Not just by law but also media, health care, education, public services, religion, freedom to exercise constitutional rights.

These puppeteers pull the strings behind the curtain creating events for their amusement of shifting money, power and influence to forward their agenda. They ruthlessly and consistently play both sides of the coin one against the other, profiting from both sides either way. With the money to fund projects of enormous magnitudes, this money has been used to gain influence and leverage over whole nations it's leaders and it's citizens. you and I have never met these people in our lives and they have more influence on our daily living than our closest partner, friend or family member. They have influence over our television programming, wars we enter as well as others around the globe and their outcome, politics federal, local and global, pharmaceuticals, finances you name it the list goes on and on. With all of this money being circulated through an international banking system that they own.

So when everything hits the fan and you all wake up out of your slumber offended by the fact everything you believed to be freedom is no more, don't blame the political figures that live by the beliefs of the original constitution. There is nothing wrong with the constitution or those who truly believe in its premise. Instead focus on those who tend to want to restrict the freedoms the constitution allows regardless of their reason. Focus on the International bankers who profit and gather economical data from situations they created and manipulated. Don't look merely at the international banks alone, look at the banks and other institutions they own. You'll find that they own most major retail stores, oil companies, no-bid contract companies, commercial/non-commercial real estate among a host of other things.

Any money you place into their banking system is no longer yours it is theirs, and is subject to seizure or miscellaneous charges at any time for little or no reason. It's not that it really matters anyway because it just so happens these international bankers also own our Federal Reserve Bank which printed the money and loaned to us at interest anyhow. They charge you and me money to print some symbols on paper, call it money and the only thing that gives it value is the people who believes it's money and the amount in circulation. In the end real property will be confiscated, re-distributed and what we believe to be money will be transformed funds you can no longer touch but will be able to benefit from by way the credit your labor has earned on your RFID chip.

While Christians look for the "Mark of the Beast" that is it right there. The RFID chip is currently in use right now in pets, humans, passports and are actively marketed in news clips and online web-sites. the worst part about it is that the Illuminati will use our government to use a form of reverse psychology that has worked for them in the past in areas of passing gun and criminal legislation to usher in this technology. They are stellar at finding ways to make people request the very things that hurt themselves the most. Refuse this technology at any cost! No matter what you do, if you do nothing else in your life refuse this technology and understand why you should. All of this covered today is barely skinning the surface on the road to a better life for ourselves. You want freedom? Find out who these international bankers are for yourselves. Find out what they own, who they frequent with and who they have influence with. Connect them to the dots in your government and pin the dot on the donkey.

For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

David Rockefeller, "Memoirs" autobiography (2002, Random House publishers), page 405

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