Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wake Up They're Doing it Right Now! Pt. 1

I had previously wrote an article on the topic of these historic bailouts. However due to a crash in my PC I was unable to publish it. So I will attempt to re-address this issue with bold clarity. To get to the bottom line we have had a rash of secret society plots unveiled in recent years. Smack dab in our face a predicted worldwide economic collapse is happening as a result. Anytime anything big happens in Washington and I'm not talking scandal big, I'm talking money or legislation big always look for the underlying back room swindling implications it may pose.

Our current International banking system was largely a product of the Rothschild family who although remains unlisted in Forbes solely owns over half of the world's resources. Is responsible for the rise of the Rockefellers, among other notable families. These powers assets are all held in a complex network of tax efficient structures around the world. Gaylon Ross Sr, author of Who's who of the Global Elite had been tipped off by a private source that the combined wealth of the Rockefeller family in 1998 was approx (U.S.) $11 trillion and the Rothschild's a whopping (U.S.) $100 trillion!

The stockholders of the Federal Reserves locations:

Rothshchild Bank (London) Kuhn Loeb (New York)
Warburg Bank (Hamburg) Israel Moses Seif Bank (Italy)
Rothschild Bank (Berlin) Goldman Sachs (New York)
Lehman Brothers (New York) Warburg Bank (Amsterdam)
Lazard Brothers (Paris) Chase Manhattan Bank (New York)

None of these patrons or entities are American or government regulated. The Federal reserve is a private entity who lends the money we paid them to print, charges us interest on the loan then sends the money we repay them with overseas. In other words every dollar produced is loaned at interest since the Federal Reserve has a monopoly on the production of money for the entire country and loans each dollar out with immediate debt attached to it, the money to pay that debt can only once again come from guess who...the Federal Reserve. Which means that the Fed has to increase it's money supply to temporarily cover the debt created. Since the new money is loaned out with interest as well it has no choice but to create more debt! Essentially making it impossible for the government or the public to ever come out of this self- generating lunacy.

The two pieces that drive the machine is the Fed's control of interest rates and money supply (inflation) and unless we learn from our history we will continue to be the victim of our own ignorance. As you read this there is a current bailout for banks that are owned by the very people/companies that own the Federal Reserve. If this isn't crazy I don't know what is. With all the bankruptcies, foreclosures and smaller banks collapsing allowing these International bankers to swallow their assets for a little of nothing already resulting in highway robbery as it is. To add insult to injury these very same conglomerates are using TARP money to purchase all of this! they are literally taking our money that we already owed them on, bankrupting people and smaller companies, purchasing these companies at the depreciated value and using the money we already owe them on to do it! Wow, what makes it worse is that the TARP money bailout was sold to the people as necessary to open up the credit lines again. When in actuality this is a robbery far greater than that of the Great Depression leaving us in the same position to be duped again in the future.

3/12/09 Pres. Obama stated, "Credit is the life blood of the economy." And went on to say, "We can not go back to endless cycles of bubble and bust." So basically what he was saying was, debt is the life blood of our economy. That we can not go back to cycles of bubble and bust while at the same time promoting bubble and bust. That's all that's left people. There is no other way around it credit= debt and debt= slavery! I suggest we as a people regardless of how much debt we have tell our creditors to go shove it. Let's place them in the same hurt we are in by treating them in the same manor they treat us and not give them squat. Who cares if they fall? regardless of the TARP money given they will not loosen any requirements of loaning money if anything they will and are becoming more strict. Do not be hoodwinked into thinking this market collapse is the fault of the consumer. This is not the first time in history the Fed has manipulated crisis into our lives. The greatest robbery of all time is happening before our eyes in order to further shift the wealth into the hands of the elite, bankrupt the nation and handicap the world. In order for our society to seem broken and so unmanageable that we need to restructure everything into a universal one world banking system to fix it and further enslave us in debt/slavery.

Wake up people and check our history this is not the first time this has happened. According to Benjamin Franklin the real reason for the American Revolution was King George III outlawing the interest free currency being printed forcing the colonists to borrow money at interest from the Central Bank of England. "The refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the Revolution." Benjamin Franklin-

After several attempts to establish a central bank before the Warburgs, Rothschilds, Rockelfellers and Morgans knew the government and public were leary on such institutions and needed to create an incident to affect public opinion. So in 1907 the conspirators had gained leverage as financial mogul J.P. Morgan used his influence to publish rumors that a prominent New York bank was insolvent and bankrupt. Morgan knew this would cause mass hysteria that would affect other banks as well. The public in fear of losing their deposits began mass withdrawals. The affected banks were forced to call in their loans causing loan recipients to sell their properties, and a ton of bankruptcies and repossessions soon emerged.

Unaware of the fraud it led to a Senate investigation led by Nelson Aldrich who had strong ties to these banking cartels and later himself married a Rockefeller all to propose a Federal Reserve Act. In a secret meeting at one of J.P. Morgan's estates the act was drafted by bankers not politicians or lawmakers. In turn they passed it down to Aldrich. In 1913 with heavy political sponsorship from these bankers Woodrow Wilson became president and had already agreed to sign the act in exchange for campaign support. The Federal Reserve Act was not ratified by the required 3/4 of the state just the same that the Federal Income Tax Act was not either. Only 2 states ratified the acts and the congressional vote was passed when a majority of congress was out on Christmas vacation. The House would've passed anyway voting 298 yea vs 60 nay with 76 not present (12/22/1913). The Senate on the other hand possibly would not have with only 43 yea vs 25 nay with 27 not present (12/23/1913). The Supreme Court even declared a private Federal Reserve to be unconstitutional.

The public was told the Federal Reserve was an economic stabilizer, that inflation and economic crisis were a thing of the past. To the surprise of the nation's blind eyes 1914-1919 the Fed increased the money supply nearly 100% doubling in size resulting in extensive loans to small banks and the public. 1920 the Fed called in mass percentages of the money supply. Panic initiated resulting in banks having to call in huge amounts of loans and just like 1907 huge amounts of bankruptcies, repos and collapse followed. Over 5400 banks outside of the Federal Reserve System collapsed!

1921-1929 the Fed increased 62% once again on loans to the public and banks. Along with a new type of loan called the,"margin loan" for the stock market. This was extremely popular during the Roaring 20's as it allowed investors to only pay 10% of the price of the stock. With the other 90% being loaned through the broker. Everybody seemed to be making money, sound familiar? (Sounds just like our recent housing crash, stated loans anybody? How bout sub-prime?) The catch to the margin loan was that it can be called in at anytime and had to be paid within 24 hours, called a "margin call." When this happened the typical result was the selling of the stock purchased with the loan.

A few months before October 1929 J.D. Rockefeller and associates quietly exited the market and on 10/24/1929 the New York financiers that created the margin loans had started calling them in by the masses. Which prompted a massive sell off as everyone had to cover the margin loans. Once again resulting in bankruptcies, repos and collapse. This time over 16,000 more banks collapsed as well. Enabling the conspiring International Bankers to buy rival banks at a discount, buy whole corporations for pennies on the dollar and until now was the greatest robbery of all time!

At this point instead of them increasing the money supply to recover from the economic collapse such as it is reported we are doing now, the Fed actually contracted fueling the largest depression in modern history. To show you what kind of ruthlessness we are dealing with here congressman Louis McFadden a long time opponent of the Federal Reserve attempted to bring impeachment hearings against the board of the Federal Reserve. Thwarting two previous assassination attempts he was poisoned and killed at a banquet before he can push for the impeachment hearings.

Their next move was to remove the Gold Standard and to accomplish this feat they had to acquire all of the remaining gold in the system. By means of Executive Order in 1933 under the pretense of helping to end the depression was, "The Gold Seizure of 1933." Under threat of 10 years imprisonment everyone in America was required to turn in all gold bouillon to the treasury, robbing the public once again of what little wealth they had left. By the end of 1933 the Gold Standard was abolished. Now the only thing that gives our money any value is the amount of it that is in circulation. The Fed is not regulated by the government and makes it's own policies.

Part 2 of this article would be posted in a couple of hours with quotes from our fore fathers warning us of this day. In the meantime look into these links for more info.
Or simply Youtube the subject. There is a lot of real information out there.

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